​​​​​​​Nadia Scanziani
​​​P h o t o g r a p h y
About Nadia Scanziani
Born in Milan, where lives and works. University degree in Philosophy .
Travelled a lot abroad, and during a stay of one year in Mexico city,
she took part to various stages of photography, the most important of them
focused on “the portraits” and directed by Pedro Meyer.
Long experience development and printing black and white in Milan.
Cooperation as free lance with various monthly and weekly publications.
Since 1990 member of the Official Register of Journalist of Rome.
Since 1991 Cooperation with “Grazia Neri” photogiournalistic agemcy
based in Milan as Photographer specialised in portraits of personalities
coming from culture, politics, cinema and theatre.
Professional activity as a photographer in her personal studio in Milan.
Took part to various collective expositions in Milan and in others italian cities.
In december 2000 she presented in the expositive espace of Hoepli Bookshop in Milan the exposition titled “Luces de Mexico” a sequence of black and white pictures taken during her first travel in Mexico
In May 2003 a personal exposition titled “Ritratti a nudo” in the Photographic Gallery “Il Diaframma” In Milan via dell’Annunciata 31. 40 photographics portraits of famous and unknown people women and men who looking at the camera get off their clothes and give an image of themselfs with and whithout dresses.
May 2006 collective exhibition title”Oltrefamiglia” in Milan and Rome sponsor the great rail stations.
October /November 2009 personal exhibition title “Il cielo di Milano” sponsor - Diocesano Museum (Mudi) Milan.